
EDITOR'S CORNER: Long Range Weapons and Red Lines

Recently, debates have intensified over whether the U.S. should allow Ukraine to use American-made long-range weapons. The UK has signaled its willingness to approve the move but remains dependent on U.S. consent, as the British Storm Shadow missiles rely on American-supplied navigational data and components. In this blog post, we’ll examine why the U.S. and its allies are hesitant to act, the potential impact of these weapons, and Russia's so-called "red lines." WHO IS ON BOARD AND WHO'S AFRAID Ukraine is facing mounting challenges on the battlefield, struggling to hold the front lines in Donetsk while managing its Kursk incursion. Intense fighting rages on both fronts, and recruitment and training efforts are falling short. Recently, Ukraine cut its basic training program from 45 to 30 days , leaving the frontlines with inexperienced, uncertain soldiers. Western weapons are arriving too slowly and with too much public discussion, leading to a growing sen

RUSSIA: The Case of Aleksandr Poteyev

Aleksandr Poteyev’s story is one of the most intriguing in the world of espionage. As a former Russian intelligence officer, his decision to defect to the United States and expose a major Russian spy network in America sent shockwaves through the intelligence community. Poteyev's actions not only brought a covert operation to light but also sparked intense debate about loyalty, betrayal, and the complexities of espionage. In this post, we’ll delve into his life and the remarkable events that defined his career. Aleksandr Poteyev in Kabul, date unknown.   A BACKGROUND IN INTELLIGENCE Aleksandr Poteyev was born on March 7, 1952, in Brest, Belarus. His father, Nikolai Pavlovich, was a Hero of the USSR in the Second World War, having destroyed nine German tanks. One could say that the military was in Poteyev's blood. During the 1970s, Aleksandr met his wife, Marina. Both were natives of Brest, and she was a year older than him. In 1979, they had their first child, a daughter named

USA: The Events of September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001, marks a defining moment in modern history, altering the course of global events. On that day, coordinated terrorist attacks shocked the United States and the world, bringing a superpower to its knees while forging a rare sense of national unity. The attacks reshaped global security strategies and foreign policies, with lasting effects on international relations and personal lives. Known simply as "9/11," the tragedy claimed nearly 3,000 innocent lives and set the stage for sweeping changes in how nations address security and terrorism. In this blog post, marking the 23rd anniversary of this tragic event, we will explore the events leading up to September 11, 2001, the harrowing occurrences of that day, and the profound aftermath that transformed both the United States and the world. The two towers of the World Trade Centre on fire after the attack. (Picture credit: Unknown) THE BACKGROUND OF THE ATTACKS Al-Qaeda, responsible for the 9/11 attack

EDITOR'S CORNER: The Changing World Order

The term “world order” refers to the overall framework of global power, governance, and international relations. As the global landscape evolves, the world order adjusts to changes in economic, political, and technological spheres. Some people talk about a “new world order” in the context of conspiracy theories, suggesting a secretive group is manipulating global events to create a totalitarian global government. However, this is not what we are addressing here; instead, we are focusing on the real and evolving dynamics of global affairs. This post examines the changing global structures. It explores the reasons behind these transformations and their implications. It also looks at the emerging trends reshaping global dynamics. I believe the world is moving from a unipolar framework dominated by the United States to a more complex multipolar system. This shift is marked by the rise of new global powers and changing alliances. THE ROOTS OF THE CONCEPT To fully grasp the changing world or

RUSSIA: Undercover Spies in Germany for 23 Years

Andreas and Heidrun Anschlag lived inconspicuously for 23 years, blending seamlessly into the community as an ordinary family. They appeared to lead a typical life, raising a daughter, giving no reason for anyone to suspect anything sinister. However, beneath this facade, they were trained Russian agents operating undercover as part of Russia's Illegals program. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into who the Anschlags really were and explore why they were spying in Germany for so long. Heidrun and Andreas Anschlag at their trial in Stuttgart EARLY YEARS The Anschlags were recruited by the KGB in the 1980s, when they were in their early twenties and full of vigor for their homeland. Little is known about the specifics of their recruitment, but it is suspected that the couple was already together at the time their work with the KGB began, although this has not been confirmed. The KGB provided them with falsified documents, enabling them to operate undercover in West Germany

UKRAINE: Life Under Russian Occupation

Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russian forces have temporarily occupied various regions of the country. In some cases, these occupations were brief, with Ukraine successfully liberating the affected towns. In others, the occupation has persisted much longer—such as in Crimea, occupied since 2014, and Mariupol, under Russian control since March 2022. In these areas, Ukrainians endure dire conditions and brutal treatment at the hands of enemy forces, a stark contrast to how Ukrainians treat Russians in liberated areas in Russia, such as in the Kursk Oblast. In this blog post, we will explore what life is like for Ukrainians living under occupation, including a closer examination of the conditions in filtration camps.       THE OCCUPIED REGIONS In 2014, Russia occupied Crimea and parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, areas that remain under Russian control today. Following the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, Russian forces expanded th

HUNGARY: A Closer Look at Viktor Orbán

Since 2010, Viktor Orbán has ruled Hungary with an iron fist, leaving a profound impact on both his country and Europe. A trained lawyer, Orbán has become known for his staunchly right-wing positions, particularly his hardline anti-immigration stance. His leadership style and policies have polarized public opinion, with people either passionately supporting or vehemently opposing him. In this blog post, we delve into who Viktor Orbán is, exploring his background, the factors that shaped his views, and the strategies he has used to maintain his grip on Hungary for over a decade. We'll also examine Hungary's current six-month chairmanship of the EU Council.  Viktor Orbán (Copyright: Alan Santos/PR) EARLY LIFE   Before delving into his political views and beliefs, let's take a moment to step back into his past. Viktor Mihály Orbán was born on May 31, 1963, about one hour out of Budapest. He grew up in a modest, rural environment, with the family home in Felcsút lacking running