UKRAINE: Why we need to care!

The destruction of Ukraine is now in its third day. The horrors that Russia keeps inflicting on this independent country keeps shocking the world more and more. If we thought that first and second day were bad, the third day is even worse. 

The Russian forces are getting closer to Kyiv, in fact some are in the capital, destroying it with bombs and mass shooting. United States predicts that the Ukrainian capital, and seat of the government, will fall in the next few days. 

A residential building in the suburbs of Kyiv that was damaged in the conflict

After Kyiv will fall, Russia is free to install its puppet government and fully take over Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy could be executed. What kind of horror are we, in the West, allowing to happen in Europe? 

I, for one, knew about the existence of Zelenskyy in a joke conversation about how a young comedian became president of Ukraine, and now I am writing about his impeding death. That is a too sick thought to bear!


Some comments I keep seeing, and hearing, from people is; "Why does my country (insert name) need to be involved? It's Ukraine's war./ We are far away/ Russian affairs don't concern us/ etc..."  Well, this is an easy question to answer. 

Every democratic country needs to stand up, and stand united, with Ukraine because a fight with Ukraine means a fight with democracy and Western ideals. Mr Vladimir Putin can say all he wants that this is to do with military security, or NATO members encroaching too close to Russian territory, but the reason is that Mr Putin does not tolerate the thought that Ukraine is an independent, DEMOCRATIC nation. 

The very nature that Zelenskyy exists to lead the country bothers Putin.  This so called ''facist, Nazi'' Kyiv regime that is full of ''drug addicts'' is a threat to the Russian dictator because he can't control them. This nouveau Ukrainian president is a true democratic leader. He did not rise to the position of President for his own gain. 

President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy appearing in a video on 26.2.2022 in Kyiv 

Zelenskyy was voted in with about 73% of the votes in the 2019 Presidential elections.  In his term, he tried to fight corruption, take away power to the oligarchs, and navigated the country through the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, he has to inspire and motivated his people to keep fighting the enemy, one day at a time. He has stood his ground, refused evacuation by USA, and tries to keep the country's resilience high. 

And this is why every single Western country needs to support Ukraine. Because if we don't, we are saying to Russia that they are winning, whatever they do is fine for us. 

Democracy, independence and sovereignty do not matter. Borders and international laws do not matter. The Geneva Convention, that Russia does not follow, does not matter. International laws do not matter. Freedom, free speech, the right to exist do not matter. Oppression, violence and threat of war is acceptable. Unprovoked invasion is acceptable. A bigger country bullying a smaller country into submission is acceptable. War is acceptable. Death of innocent civilians is acceptable. 

Which side of the coin do you want to support?


I know what side of the coin I want to be on and support. The Cold War period was terrifying, it was a time when the world was languishing under the constant threat of nuclear war. We have now returned to that time as Russia is throwing veiled threats of atomic retaliation. 

It's a scary and difficult time for all. However, us who don't live in Ukraine have the options to bury our heads in the sand and return to normal lives without checking social media, news or any other information channel that will display the news of what is happening in Ukraine. 

Protest of 30,000 to support Ukraine in Tallinn, Estonia. 

You don't have to suffer with your family in an underground metro station, without food, or water, or access to a toilet. You don't have to fear that your husband, or brother, or son will be dead by morning, shot down by a Russian solider. Or worse, captured and sent to Izolyatsia Prison, to be tortured or sexually assaulted as a prisoner of war. 

Ukrainians have to live in this reality now, when a few days ago they were enjoying going to the movies, or to a cafĂ©. Or, living a normal and boring life by going to work. 

Citizens of Kyiv huddling in a metro station to avoid the Russian bombs pummelling their city. 

This is why all countries need to be involved, and not just those countries that are close to Ukraine, or just Ukrainians. We need to defend our rights and our freedoms and help everyone as we are all humans. We all need to send the message to Russia that this unprovoked conflict IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, AND THERE WILL BE VERY HARSH CONSEQUENCES. 


  1. Sad! Wish that the peace will come back to Ukraine soon! The citizens here have been suffered from serious damage on their lives, health due to the military escalation.
    Update news in the world with Newspaper app from!

    1. I also wish that peace comes soon and those suffering will get some relief soon :( I feel so horrible to think what the people of Ukraine are going through at the moment on every level.


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